
- Personal Studio of His Holiness Lokanath Swami Maharaja
- World Headquarters of the ISKCON Kirtan Ministry
- An Open Invitation to Devotees to Come and Record.
Materialists are pushing their message of exploitation with modern media technology. To compete with them, we also need to use current technology. Thus, we have built LOK.STUDIO. We need equipment. Our funds are finished. Please help.
I was engaged to do an online kirtan for a festival for the Temple of Vedic Planitarium (TOVP). Our kirtan was broadcast onto a giant video screen. I’m glad we have the excellent acoustic space of LOK.STUDIO. But LOK.STUDIO is designed to do more than just a simple live stream from my cell phone.
“You are in Pandharpur?”
“Yes, Gurumaharaja.”
“Pandharpur is known for chanting. Nada Brahma. The glories of the Holy Name have been chanted by all the saints of Maharashtra. Especially Tukarama and so many others. So, you are rightly situated. There, the glories of the Holy Name are broadcasted. And Vitthala is associated with the Holy Names. Panduranga, Panduranga.” ”
– H.H. Lokanath Swami Maharaja’s instruction to Sri Krishna Chaitanya Swami during Japa Talk dated May 8, 2022, Jahnu Saptami
The construction is almost done, however, we have run out of funds. With your help, we will purchase; cables, LAN system, mixers, a computer interface, microphones, audio rack equipment including preamplifiers, compressors, and equalizers, headphone amplifiers, cameras, a video switcher, a video monitor, a teleprompter, camera tripods, a camera slider, and lights.
Please help us by donating. Here is a list of the items we need. You can specify a specific item to donate – wholly or partially – or you can give a general donation and we will use it where it is most needed. Your name will be added to the “Wall of Devotion” outside the studio. A special fire yajna with you as one of the benecificiaries will be performed here in Sri Pandharpur Dhama. Please donate today!
“I am looking forward to LOK.STUDIO being ready. I have plans for projects that I want to do – new kirtan CDs, recording my books, ISKCON Kirtan Ministry educational materials, and more. LOK.STUDIO will help me achieve my vision for propagating Krishna consciousness worldwide.”
– H.H. Lokanath Swami
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- Click on ”Donate Now”
- Chose the amount you want to donate
- Click “Continue”
- Fill out the form
- Click “Agree to Terms”
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- Choose “Paypal” or “Debit or Credit Card”
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- Выберите «Paypal» или «дебетовую или кредитную карту».

Please get in touch with Sri Krishna Chaitanya Swami to confirm that your donation has been received.
Phone / Whatsapp: +91 8372868004
Direct Payment to Account in USA:
Bank Of America
hk savings =325178224969 routing=121000358
Barclays Bank
Account no: 130006899208
Routing Number: 031101321
Always do a trial transfer 1st of $1 then when received do the actual transfer
Direct Payment to Account in India
Account Name: Dhanaji Balu Tarale
A/C no – 912010065492755
Bank Name: Axis bank
Branch- Pandharpur
IFSC code- UTIB0001258

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