You Wanted to Come to the Material World

You Wanted to Come to the Material World

You Wanted to Come Here...

Sunday March 21:  I was on the terrace chanting japa with Gurumaharaja.  We were walking back and forth together.  Gurumaharaja sat down in a chair and asked me “What is the news?”

I asked, “On what front?”  I am busy in so many areas.  Gurumaharaja asked, “What about Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead?”

I went on to describe different services, LOK.STUDIO construction, etc.  I also changed the mood a little and spoke about some frustrations I was having with the workers, and some difficulties.  It probably sounded like I was complaining.

“You are the one who wanted to come here!” Gurumaharaja said in a chastising way.  It gave me the realization that coming to the material world is no bed of roses.  I should not be expecting everything to be easy as pie.

Through this exchange, I have some realizations.  I need to be more remoseful that I have come to this material world.  I need to be repentant.  I need to seek to overcome my envy of Lord Krishna and his devotees.  In the words of Sanatana Goswami, “Who am I and why am I suffering?” are the important questions I need to continously be asking myself.

Someday if I have the courage, I may ask Gurumaharaja, “Why did you come to the material world?”  I would not be suprised, if I was very suprised by his answer.






AC Installation Part II

AC Installation Part II

This week we built 14 custom ceiling tiles from wood. We have begun installing Air Conditioner Diffusers. Total of 8 diffusers in the two rooms are being installed. We hope to start testing the AC system by Wednesday.

Letter from H.H. Lokanath Swami Maharaja announcing Sannyasa Approval for Ekalavya Das

Letter from H.H. Lokanath Swami Maharaja announcing Sannyasa Approval for Ekalavya Das

Photo taken on occasion of Sri Sri Panchatattva Installation in Sri Mayapur Dham

Lokanath SwamiAttachmentsFri, Mar 12
to loksanga 

Hare Krishna Dear Devotees,

Please accept my blessings. All glories to Srila Prabhupad

I am really pleased and delighted to inform you that on Wednesday, at the
GBC meeting, Ekalavya Prabhu was given full and final approval to receive
sannyasa. He has been a sannyasa candidate for the past couple of years and
now has “zero waiting years” and can receive sannyasa diksa at any time this

The position of a sannyasi under the auspices of Srila Prabhupada, is to
renounce worldly activities, and to travel extensively and preach. By
accepting sannyasa, Ekalavya Prabhu promises to dedicate his body, mind and
words totally to the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.  In many
ways, he has been doing that already. Ekalavya Prabhu has spent countless
moons travelling to many countries across the globe, spreading the holy
names of the Lord. 

On behalf of myself and the Lok family, it gives me immense pleasure to
convey our heartfelt congratulations to Ekalavya Prabhu on his sannyasa
approval by the GBC. We will be deciding on the date of his sannyasa and
will keep you informed.

Now that he is a sannyasi, I will encourage all of you to invite Ekalavya
Prabhu into your homes, centres and temples to preach the holy names of the

It is my sincere prayer that Ekalavya Prabhu forever continues the legacy of
spreading the holy names of the Lord.

I hope this finds you all in good health and in high Krishna conscious

Your well wisher,
Lokanath Swami



Welcome to LOK.MEDIA MONDAY! We plan to offer you the latest news from LOK.MEDA every Monday.

LOK.MEDIA: We worked on our website. We added a photo gallery, and added a new blog template. We made several blog entries. We started a new blog category, “LOK.NECTAR” for Krishna conscious topics as inspired by my personal association with H.H. Lokanath Swami Maharaja. I have been with Maharaja continuously for the past year and I feel that this is a good opportunity to keep an account of some of Maharaja’s nectarian instructions.

We have begun work on a 16 page article for Back to Godhead Magazine on the Glories of Sri Pandharpur Dhama. Today, Dinesh Prabhu, a professional photographer arrived in Pandharpur to begin three days of shooting for the article.

Yesterday, H.H. Lokanath Maharaja requested me to prepare a short video giving a tour of Sri Pandharpur Dhama. Taking help of Bhakta Amit Prabhu and Bhakta Dhaval Prabhu, we got some beautiful footage. We premiered it online during Maharaja’s presentation on Zoom to the congregation of ISKCON Bergen County, New Jersey, USA.

LOK.STUDIO: This week, our team of three carpenters were hard at work. They put in two window frames designed to accommodate double glass windows. The butterfly doors (2 doors in one door frame), are hung in their frames. We constructed a shed to protect our Air Conditioning System.

This coming week we are looking forward to the visit of HG Sri Krishna Bhajan Prabhu from Pune who will help oversee the wiring for the AC system, as well as starting the next and final phase of the AC installation, which we plan to complete by March 14. Carpenters will continue their work by applying veneer to the doors, and completing the third and last window frame.

Virtual Tour of Sridham Pandharpur

Virtual Tour of Sridham Pandharpur

A blissful morning in the springtime of ISKCON Pandharpur. His Holiness Lokanath Swami Maharaja is here, and everyone is dancing and singing. The cows are happy and feeding their calves. Devotees from Thane, Mumbai are visiting. Prabhupada Ghat is a wonder of the world. Chandrabhaga River is cooling to the eyes and soul.

Virtual Tour Of Sridham Pandharpur