Hare Krishna!  Welcome to LOK.MEDIA Monday Vol. 4.  In this issue, we share the latest developments in our preaching activities, website, and LOK.STUDIO.


LOK.STUDIO:  We have purchased a professional light and light dome.  H.H. Lokanath Swami Maharaja is using this light for his morning japa sessions and japa talks.  For the first time, viewers online have a clear darshan of all the transcendental features of Maharaja’s face, especially his beautiful, soft and compassionate eyes.  We have started painting the studio.  Work is in progress on the electricity and wiring.  

Sannyasa Video:  We uploaded the live video feed of Sri Krishna Caitanya Swmai’s Sannyasa Initiation here:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz_ouNQSGPY

Nice to see devotees are taking interest.  We have 13,302 views.   We are in the process of uploading high resolution files and pictures of the event.  We are producing a 7 minute condensed version of the video entitled “The Matchless Gift”.  We plan to have this ready next week.  

 LOK.MEDIA website:  Information about Sri Krishna Caitanya Swami’s Sannyasa is on our homepage:  https://lok.studio/

 Guru Dakshina is being collected here:  https://lok.studio/donation/


Sri Krishna Chaitanya Swami

Sri Krishna Chaitanya Swami

My sannyasa ceremony was completed on Gaura Purnima 28 March during the morning hours, beginning at 6:30 am.  I received the name Sri Krishna Caitanya Swami.  It was a beautiful ceremony on the banks of the Candrabhaga River on our Prabhupada Ghat.  H.H. Lokanath Swami sat on a Vyasasana decorated with roses and other flowers.  Tulsi Maharani was there on a beautiful teakwood table.  Padayatra Maharashtra was there bearing beautiful murthis of Sri Sri Nitai Gaurasundar and Srila Prabhupada.  The Padayatra Bulls were there, along with a cow.  


Senior devotees had come from all over Maharashtra including Satcidananda Prabhu from Nagpur, Keshava Prabhu from Pune, Ananta Sesa Prabhu from Amravati, Gaura Krishna Prabhu from Aravade, Krishna Bhakta Prabhu from Solapur, Sahasranam Prabhu from Ichalkaranji,  and many more.  There were around 60 devotees in attendance.  The fire sacrifice was conducted in the Sri Krishna Caitanya Chandrabhaga Temple.


Personally, I have a deep affection for Candrabhaga River.  She is my refuge and shelter.  For many months, the river has been practically dry.  Construction has been going on to make a new bridge and the Government had packed up her water behind an imposing dam.  But two days before Gaura Purnima, her water was released and opulently filled the river bed.  We decided to change the venue to the bank of the River.  Padayatra Maharashtra also miraculously turned up, so Srila Prabhupada and Sri Sri Nitai Gaura Sundar would also witness the ceremony.  I began my Krishna consciousness in ISKCON on Padayatra Europe.  I feel so blessed that my Sannyasa Ceremony was in the association of all these wonderful personalities.


After the Sannyasa Ceremony, I offered gurupuja to Srila Prabhupada.  H.H. Lokanath Swami Maharaja spontaneously had us get in boats and we crossed Chandrabhaga into Pandharpur.  We visited Vaikunthnath Mandir, Sri Sri Sita Ram Laxmi Hanuman Temple, and had a glorious darshan of Sri Sri Vithala Rukmayi.  Again traversing the Chandrabhaga River, we returned to ISKCON Pandharpur and had a dazzling darshan of Sri Sri Radha Pandharinath to conclude the program at 11 am.


I am especially grateful for the overwhelming response and support from the devotee community from around the world.  


Here is the youtube video that was live streamed.  We had thousands of attendees online.


Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz_ouNQSGPY


It is my duty to beg for guru dakshina for H.H. Lokanath Swami Maharaja.  Please donate here:  https://lok.studio/donation/


Sri Krishna Chaitanya Swami

HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja Blesses Me For Sannyasa

HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja Blesses Me For Sannyasa

For more information and links to attend the sannyasa festival online: https://lok.studio/

My dear Ekalavya das

Please accept my best wishes

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Homebase :Sridham Mayapur

Camp :Sridham Mayapur

We see that being a Sanyasi we get some priority in preaching so you are always an active preacher. I hope this facility helps you to preach more. I am certainly happy to send you my blessings and best wishes.

The Sanyasa ashram means that one is very careful in associating with opposite gender and one had to be very careful as this is a kind of declaration of war against Maya so naturally you can be tested. I hope you are ready for that. 

Hope this finds you in good health and blissful krishna consciousness

Yours in service

Jayapataka Swami

JPS /rrsdb 

Dear Maharaja,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.  All glories to you, who inspire tens of thousands of devotees in Krishna consciousness.

As the GBC has approved me for sannyasa this year, our planned date of sannyasa is on Gaura Purnima.  The ceremony is planned in Sri Pandharpur Dham.  As per my research, I may be the first second generation ISKCON Sannyasi from North America.

You have always been my kind spiritual uncle, and benefactor.  I remember when we were on Navadwipa Mandala Parikrama together.  You asked me to put on the drama of Kolavechar Sridar.  His Holiness Kavichandra Swami was Kolavechar Sridar, and I was Mahaprabhu.  You arranged three little girl vaishnavis to be sellers in the marketplace.  Before the drama started, you sat and explained the whole lila to me for 10 minutes.  When the drama was taking place, it was magic.  It was as if the lila were taking place again, before our eyes. All the devotees were transfixed in Krishna consciousness.   I felt empowered by the mercy of Lord Caitanya. 

I am so grateful to your holiness for bestowing your mercy upon me.  It is my ardent desire that your holiness blesses my sannyasa ceremony.  Please pray on my behalf that, following in your footsteps, I can also become an able instrument in the hands of our beloved parampara, Srila Prabhupada, Gurumaharaja and all of Srila Prabhupada’s followers and preach Krishna consciousness all over the world.

Thank you very much.

Always seeking to be an atom of dust at your lotus feet and at the feet of your followers,

Your insignificant servant,

Ekalavya Das Brahmachari

Secretary, ISKCON Harinam Sankirtan Ministry

Good News!

I am overjoyed to share the news with all of you that I, Ekalavya Das, am about to receive sannyasa!  As a spiritual nephew and siksa disciple of H.H. Jayapataka Swami Maharaja, I have poured out my heart to Maharaja, my highly respected and worshipable spiritual uncle, in the following letter.

Maharaja’s flood of unlimited compassion upon this most unworthy soul manifested with a letter of blessings and sannyasa siksa.  I am sharing the two letters with you here.  Please find out all the details and online links for my Sannyasa Diksa on 28th March, Gaura Purnima here:  https://lok.studio/

Seeking Blessings for my Sannyasa

Yours Servant

Ekalavya das

For more information and links to attend the sannyasa festival online: https://lok.studio/

Introduction to Ekalavya Prabhu

Introduction to Ekalavya Prabhu


Ekalavya Das Brahmachari was born in New York City, USA in 1965, the same year that ISKCON Founder Acarya, Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada came to New York. His mother’s younger sister would regularly hear Srila Prabhupada’s Kirtans in Tompkins Square Park in 1966.Although living in the capital of Kali Yuga, New York City, Ekalavya expressed his interests in spiritual topics even at a young age. He began chanting Hare Krishna in 1977 at the age of 12. When he was 15 years old, Ekalavya received Bhagavad Gita As It Is from his sister as a birthday present. 

Ekalavya was born in an affluent family which encouraged education, culture and the arts. Bouncing on his father’s knee, he began his studies of piano at the age of five. At the age of six, he started guitar lessons. At the age of seven he began trumpet lessons. By the time he entered the Berklee College of Music in Boston, in 1982, he had already learned sixteen different instruments and performed in music groups in prestigious venues across the USA. As a college student, he worked part time as a music producer, composer, recording engineer, and as the Director of Electronic Music at the Aaron Copeland Music and Arts Program. In 1984, he was brought to the Boston Hare Krishna temple by a friend and became a regular visitor there while continuing his studies. In 1987, Ekalavya received his degree from Berklee College of Music in Recording Engineering and Production; a unique science combining acoustic engineering, electrical engineering and music. The next three years were a time of spiritual exploration. After graduating from college in 1987, he traveled as a professional musician and spiritual seeker to more than 25 countries. The culmination of these travels was the realization that service to Lord Krishna and the chanting of His holy names is the highest possible activity. 

Ekalavya Das joined ISKCON as a brahmachari in 1991 in Ireland, Europe. He traveled to London to Bhaktivedanta Manor (donated by George Harrison of the Beatles) for deeper understanding of Krishna conscious philosophy. Joining the ISKCON Padayatra, a group of devotees walking from Belfast to Moscow, he traveled by foot through Holland, Belgium, France and Spain, distributing Krishna consciousness. In 1992, during a meeting in Spain with his spiritual master, His Holiness Lokanath Swami Maharaja, he received the instruction to go to India.  Today, Ekalavya Das often serves Lokanath Maharaja as his personal secretary.  He is currently locked down in Pandharpur, Maharashtra.   He has been appointed by the GBC as a member of the newly formed ISKCON Kirtan Ministry.  He is the secretary of the ministry.  His services include coordinating ISKCON’s Annual International World Holy Name Festival. He is a senior member of the GBC deputies.

He is a candidate for sannyasa, now on the one year list. He is a well known traveling preacher in the world of international ISKCON having visited many countries including USA, Canda, France, England, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Spain, Belgium, Holland, Guyana, Trinidad, Mauritius, South Africa, Botswana, Russia, India, Damodardesh, Shyamdesh, Avataridesh, Mathuradesh, etc, etc.

LOK.MEDIA Monday Vol. 3

LOK.MEDIA Monday Vol. 3

LOK MEDIA MONDAY VOL. 3 – March 22, 2021

Hare Krishna!  Welcome to LOK.MEDIA Monday Vol. 3. 

In this issue, we share the latest developments in our sannyasa celebration plans, website, and LOK.STUDIO.

LOK.MEDIA website:  We have created a dedicated page to my upcoming sannyasa celebration.  All updates, online links, schedule, etc will be there, with the mercy of Lord Krishna.  You can visit here:  https://lok.studio/sannyasa/

Blog:  “You wanted to come here…”  To this material world…  I have started a new blog series called, “TEACHINGS OF LOKANATH SWAMI”.  As I am staying with Gurumaharaja for the past one year, I am fortunate to receive many personal instructions from him.  I am utilizing this blog as an opportunity to share those teachings.  You can read the blog here:  https://lok.studio/you-wanted-to-come-to-the-material-world/

LOK.STUDIO:  Phase 2 of the AC installation took place over 3 days time.  8 AC diffusers were placed in the studio, connected to Flex Duct, Sound Reducing Baffle Boxes, and the Fan Control Units (FCU).  Baffle Boxes were inspected and corrections made.  Now researching the Isolation Required for different thicknesses of glass for the windows.  We are planning to purchase glass tomorrow.  Situation is a little tense as there is another potential lockdown coming up as Maharashtra has 60% of COVID cases in India.  With the mercy of Lord Krishna, the AC wallas will be able to come back next week and finish the AC installation.

I added some photos of a studio tour that Gurumaharaja and I did this week together. https://lok.studio/ac-installation-part-ii/